
Tiny articles, big solutions.

3 Ideas for Cool Date Spots in Guelph



A worse than a nightmare scenario is your first date to go wrong. Nerves are already high and it’s a silver plating if it goes downhill. The pressure is monumental, with the competition and constant comparison of everything that we do; how much did you earn this month? Did you get any bonus? And so on the parade of questions goes on.

This peer pressure may ruin your little moment of happiness when you are supposed to feel excited not aggravated. Your date may have (will have) some expectations regarding the first date. The charm of the first date sets everything in motion.  From a disaster to thumbs up, Guelph is perfect to plan your date, hire a Guelph airport limo and impress the lady (or the guy).

Guelph is a pack of cool surprise spots

A vibrant community popularly known as The Royal City is the beating heart of southern Ontario. It’s not that far from Toronto (in case you want to plan a date day) and features quite exciting places to hangout. At a certain point, your date can go all wrong for unknown reasons. Nevertheless, you can spring into action and save the day if you have your wits gathered.


Why not take a look inside, what Guelph has to offer for cool date spots;

1.    Buon Gusto anyone?

Do you want the first impression to last longer than anticipated? Why not take your date to something fancy and yet casual? Buon Gusto is known for its vibrant tasteful menu and more than a comfortable ambience. The place serves high-quality ingredients with special recipes on the menu perfect for every occasion. you can pick a perfect wine just for the occasion, swirl and taste the best-chilled drink or you can order a classic cocktail until your entrée arrives. 


You can even host a party, rehearsal dinner and whatnot! The ambience is accommodating and fitting for every occasion.

2.    Showoff you skills at Outdoor community ice rink

You may not be the champion in ice skating rink but if you have moved, show them to your date. Or better yet be confident in your skill and ask your date to join you on the ice rink.

It’s a cool place to plan a date after dinner (if you are okay with stomach full) and it’s exciting too. Do make sure your partner wears a knee pad and elbow pad because it will not be a pretty side if your date gets any injury due to a lack of coordination skills on the ice. Regardless, even if you don’t know how to skate, just take hold of each other arms and off you go!

3.    Get ready to make a climb at Guelph Grotto Climbing Gym

Okay, this spot is not a romantic spot but it comes with its piece of excitement. Imagine you book a Guelph airport limo and take your date not to a beach dinner but directly to a Climbing gym! You have to ask your date to dress in something super comfortable. It’s cheap and accessible all year round.

You can take a beginner’s lesson at the spot and ascend your date night into the climbing competition. It’s a challenge not because the date is going vertical but because you won’t be able to stop your laugh up. If both of you are adrenaline junkies than this spot was made for you.

And afterwards, of course, you can enjoy a casual dinner and have a good laugh about your climbing time.

Sharing experiences matters, but creating a memorable time with someone special is worth trying for.


Guelph is a charming city. If you can find these cool places to plan a date night, you can find similar other places as well. Take the lead!