May 1, 2024


Tiny articles, big solutions.

How to grow your email list with great content


An email list is your ticket to a business that scales new heights year after year. To fuel the growth of your email list, there are a few things you can do.

One of the ways is giving away free stuff.

Not just anything would do. People are smart and a list of ten tips or step-by-step process to do x isn’t cutting it in the 21st century.

There are many ways you can give away something for free, such as:

* Consulting for an hour

* Free site review

* Membership for a limited time to some premium course

* Craft services Etc.

Here’s a recent example of an email I got from Glen Allsopp.

A guy I have enormous respect for in the SEO and marketing space.

He offers free site consults. Something that he could easily charge $500 or more for.

If you’re doing anything small or big, it’s good to let the prospect know. Here’s an example to learn from.

Neil Patel gives away access to UberSuggest the best free keyword research tool on the planet and then markets to all the email addresses that registered.


If you’re doing something huge, it’s a good idea to include a detailed description of the service you offer. Neil Patel offers enough juicy details about his tool (and includes an optional CTA to sign up).

A good tool is yet another example of content marketing done right.

Just because someone gives away a giant tool that costs over $100k in server costs doesn’t mean you have to do the same. As I said at the start, you can also give away something simple. For example, even a free pdf guide is a great way to increase your email list sign-ups. Best Buy hosts tons of buyer guides for prospects.

Now that we have that nailed let’s see how to keep continued interest.

How to make the newsletter compelling

Now, I’m sure you’re wondering what the best way to create a newsletter is. We’ve already talked about the importance of a strong call to action, so we won’t spend much time on it. But you still need to include a call to action in your newsletter or newsletter page if you want to gain further engagement with the same.


If you want to create a great newsletter, your sign up page should appeal to the visitors.

And when it comes to marketing your products inside your newsletter here’s what you can’t do.

You can’t use generic CTAs in your newsletter, and you need to make it


And here’s one example of a great newsletter page from a company called Hush Puppies.

If you want to create a newsletter that’s truly going to get people to share it, you need to make it shareable.

I’m not going to go too far into the text of this email, but you can read the email and see there’s a CTA. In this example from Hush Puppies, the CTA is “fashionable styles for him and her” goes well with the overall brand identity.

So that’s what you should be aiming for. A great design coupled with actionable calls to action.

To get more email subscribers, you might want to:

* Create awesome content. The sign up page is about a specific type of content. If it’s a guide, you can get people to sign up for it. If it’s a how-to guide, you can get subscribers on the newsletter page.

* Send great emails. The newsletter page is about one thing—a newsletter.

  If you need to stand out from a general newsletter, just send one out that looks and feels great.

* Give it a large size. The newsletter page is huge. I’m assuming you’re trying to grow a large email list, not a few thousand subscribers. The example I shared above ticks all the boxes for a well designed newsletter.

There’s a great logo and the visual imagery is spot on. Design a logo creator to keep the branding on spot and highly targeted. Use a cool logo maker to build branding for your business. The newsletter page is much more eye-catching.

Concluding thoughts

So these are the steps you need to take to ensure you have email marketing working for you.

George blogs at, a site he created to share the latest and best in marketing.