Thinking of the education, we were getting ten to fifteen years ago has changed almost but not completely. The books and notes system we were having when we were kids are still the same today when our kids are in the pace of learning education. Our education system is chaos; it is failing our children’s future and ours too.
The tools and the technology today all are evolving, and to compete with this digitalized world, we must train our children for the latest education system.
Education We Got:
Taking on account, the education system we were in was limited to classroom lessons no longer seem applicable for our increasingly boisterous world. Students were labor to perform repetitive tasks daily, totally unaware of the applications in their future. The totally bookish environment with writing notes followed with exams was the only criteria. We must say that it was the demand at that time, but with the fast evolution of technologies, the system must be changed. Tools and the technologies are evolving at their quicker pace, and if you are unable to go along with them, you will not be in the fast racing que for sure.
The years have passed with the same traditional education system, but the invasion of AI, social networks, IoT and other technologies are demanding to be incorporated in our education system if we really want to stabilize ourselves and our country too. It is observed that the impact of technology is overestimated in the short term and underestimated in the long term. In 90’s we have passed through “PC revolution”, in 00’s we got “Internet revolution” and now we are living through “mobile revolution”, we are progressively in the core of “the long term”.
Do not miss the sea-changing that is happening around you even if you are busy try to keep your head above the water level to be updated. Similarly, in the case of the education industry, the speed at which this field is changing, you cannot underestimate the impact of technology on it.
Education transformation expected this year:
With the advancement in technology, the education system has also been transformed, and many countries have already been adopted the latest trends, but still few are left behind. Today education programs based on assignment help UK students’ care and learning. Project-based learning is more admired than big theories to reflect the real world. Teachers are real mentors and best guides for kids must practice the trends and go for implementation in their classes. Tests must be of assessing a kid, not measuring them and scoring them. Taking the pictures of the education system in the United States, where there are no traditional classes, no test, no grades, only the students are succeeding by attempting real-world project-based learning.
There are no. of gadgets playing their role in advancing the whole education system and replaces the books with online PDF versions and mobile multimedia libraries. That is a simplified and easy system that is awaiting you with no traveling, no weight-bearing and no time limit. However, today it is possible to move from competition to association, from heeding to doing and from appearing to being.
So, it is concluded that change in education is real, scalable, innovative and impactful, but the bad news is it is cramped to certain pockets of the world. Below are some educational trends expected to be implemented next year, have a look;
Online Delivery:
It is one of the most accepted technology and replaces the physical classrooms. Most of the higher education institutions have adopted these online programs. US DOE reported in 2012 that one in all four students had taken their courses online and this figure grew up. However, there are no. of courses are being taken online, even institutions are now offering courses face to face and online both.
Flipped Classroom:
As one of the 21st-century learning innovations, Flipped Classroom is a learning strategy by ‘flipping’ conventional learning patterns and involves students in discussion with other students and teachers. So that learning objectives can be achieved in accordance with Bloom’s taxonomic level, Flipped Classroom has two stages of six taxonomic levels, including (1) Knowing and Remembering (pre-class) and Applying; (2) Analyzing and evaluating (class activities). As illustrated in the chart below:
The teacher can plan or improvise ways to expand active learning experiences outside the classroom, both individually and in groups. Because most students at school feel that the most important thing is the task they have completed in class.
Learning With Latest Tools Available:
There are no. of tools that continues to explode, and the technology is now moving from “infancy” to “adolescence”. Tools like Adaptive learning tools. 3D printing, augmented reality, virtual reality and many others are sliding long the maturity index with increased possibilities.
Micro-credentialing is starting to gain popularity:
The two recent developments proposed a framework for “connecting diverse credentials” and “federal aid for these types of offerings”. These frameworks were adopted to establish the common framework for higher education in traditional institutions to admit and award acclaim for small scale credentials from MOOCs, professional development training, and many other non-traditional sources.
Competency-based Education:
The education department is moving with a pace to embrace CBE, which is nothing short of shocking. In US, the seven regional accrediting bodies now have accredited Competency-based programs. The growing acceptance idea of transferring Clock Hours competencies as the measure of learning higher education was predicted a few years back. Today and in the coming year, it will be adopted more and will help students to meet their needs, assess competencies and more.
Learning Strategies:
Learning strategies today are almost changed from repetition. The involvement of different tools techniques and the ability of the students to comprehend and retain is important and evolving. Teachers are getting training to train students for good learning. Practical exercises have become part of education for better understanding.
The few changes are coming together to your side, which can significantly change the landscape of your institution for centuries. The change is quickening to move from its path to you. Thus, the academic leaders and mentors need to be a part of it and accept it and get ahead of the curve, or they may leave the circle. To compete with the world and with the latest education system, you must go for the latest trending system, tools, and different practical learning behaviors to stay more in this field; otherwise, soon you will be out of this frame.
It is a crucial time to analyze yourself and your system, will it be applicable in the coming year? If the answer is NO! Then must research and go for the discussed ways of advancing your system. If you are still walking in spite of running to win the race you will lose.