April 16, 2024


Tiny articles, big solutions.

Do’s And Don’ts Of Whiteboard Animation Videos

whiteboard animation

Producing a whiteboard animation is a bit challenging as you have little space for adding graphics or drastic exaggerations to amuse your viewers. You have to somehow stick to the traditional style of making videos while swinging between to add or not to add an innovative flair. Often animators get confuses in making their video different from those of others. They strive to find helpful suggestions to bring the change that can assist them in generating fruitful outcomes.

To get a better idea about the things you can do and tricks to avoid getting on the list summarized below:

Do Focus On Delivering a Strong Message

Creating a video for a subject you have little faith into is more like playing bluff knowingly that you will get caught. When making a whiteboard animation video it’s important to look for the perfect issue, subject or topic to deliver. You must have a rich message to spread and information full of valuable tips, solutions or aspects that the reader or viewer find interesting to spend on.


Don’t Make Too Long Videos

Remember the standard duration for explainer videos is 60 seconds to 90 seconds and you must not cross this limit. You should pay focus on summarizing your information to the point that it becomes able to be delivered precisely and within that duration. Most of the bounce rate results from too long videos as it distracts the viewer’s having short attention span. You have to learn the art of delivering the right amount of information within the perfect duration in an animated video.

Don’t Get Enthusiastic To Use Lots of Colors

Though it is acceptable to use colors in your custom whiteboard animation but never get tempted to use many different colors. These videos create the char by showcasing the content in purely two shades that are white and black. If you want to add some you can only ad a single color let it be the color of your brand identity. By using your brand color you can spread the brand recognition indirectly and can enhance the overlook of your video as well.


Use the Drawing Hand

The real essence of these videos lies in the fact that years back whiteboard animation used to get created on actual physical whiteboards using black ink or pen. The camera used to record the scene to form a video clip. What you can do is to make sure you do not use extra sleek edges and lines when creating your characters or plot. It should look like hand-drawn to create the most impact.

Add a Strong Call to Action

An animated video without a call to action is useless. It’s more like a situation where you have hit the customers with a pretty good sales pitch but you no way to give them a medium to interact with your products. Do not waste your efforts by avoiding to add the CTA. Your all to action will give them a gateway to indulge in your services.

Do Check the Content Quality

The foremost thing to make sure how effective your video is to look for the quality of your content and the worth of your story. Your content must be rich with great information and the story should be engaging enough to capture the attention of target audiences.

The content quality plays an important role in bringing quality leads to the domain. Your words will depict the level of professionals you withhold. You should be able to address the common concerns of viewers to take a step closer to them.

Don’t Go For Intricate Graphics

You must follow the principles of simplicity when creating a video. Your video graphics must be interesting enough to draw the attention of viewers. Moreover, by indulging in adding over complicated graphics might confuse your viewers. Your background and the elements you add to support the story must be appealing and soothing for the eyes. You must know the trick to keep the prime focus of viewers on the character or part of the video you want.

Wrapping Up – Whiteboard Animation

An animated video wants a lot of energies and skills. You must know the tricks to create a flawlessly appealing video. The above listed do’s and don’ts can help you figure out the best way to present your ideas and plots. Focus on two prime aspects when creating the video first is its value and second is to strengthen your brand identity.