April 25, 2024


Tiny articles, big solutions.

Here are the Tips for a Slimmer Looking Face this New Year


Is weight loss part of your new year’s resolutions? Congratulations, you’ve just joined the millions of people who tell themselves they will lose weight next year. But will you also join them in abandoning their plans three months into the new year? 

One of the reasons people lose the motivation to stick to their weight goals is because the effects take time to be seen. You could be working out every day of the week but still not see the pounds you’re shedding. Having a slimmer face could give you the motivation you need, and these are the tips to help you get just that: 

Learn How to Contour 

You already know which face primer to buy online because you see the results in your makeup application. You also know where to buy these products at a good price. Now, it’s time to add one more item to your cart before checkout: a contouring palette. This will help you define your cheekbones and sculpt your face just enough to give it a more chiseled shape when you look in the mirror. Choose products that stay on despite your sweaty workout so that you can be motivated with a slimmer looking face throughout your routine. 


Wear Comfortable Clothes

It sure is comfortable to wear those short gym shorts and sleeveless tops, and if you can rock them, go ahead. However, if wearing them shows your problem areas and you will end up feeling self-conscious the whole time you’re at the gym, you will not be able to concentrate on your exercise routine. You may also associate negative feelings of dread and anxiety to the stares you get, and this may lead to you going less frequently until one day, you can’t do it anymore. 


Worse, the low self-esteem might lead to you gaining more weight instead of losing them. Choose better fitting clothes to avoid this. Go for slimming colors such as black, and make sure the fabric is moisture-repelling so that you will feel comfortable as you exercise. If you feel good while you do your workout, you will be more motivated to do it often. 

Plan the Perfect Workout Playlist 

Exercising and losing weight is hard. The sooner you accept it, the better. Now, this doesn’t mean you should just give up. This just means you have to proactively find ways to make exercising more bearable. One of the easiest ways to do that is to create your workout playlist. Choose only uplifting and upbeat songs. Select the tunes you never get tired of. Find the best ones that motivate you to be the best version of yourself. If you can get in the groove, the reps and the sweat will not be so uncomfortable and before you know it, you’re already heading home happy with your achievements for the day. 

You can start your year with a workout plan and a healthy diet, but if you don’t follow through, this will be just another failed new year’s resolution to add to the pages of your life. Change your mindset about weight loss and the results will follow.