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The Rise of AR and VR: What Awaits Us in 2020 and Beyond?


The hype surrounding virtual reality shows no signs of stopping. On the contrary, VR is growing in popularity with each passing day. Now that we are on the verge of entering a new decade, is 2020 the year that marks the widespread adoption of VR and AR technologies?

Judging by the statistics on virtual reality, the future looks bright for VR headsets and similar gadgets. To be precise, experts predict that by 2023, the total worth of the virtual reality market will reach $34 billion.

Sounds impressive? That’s because it is.

But this is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to AR and VR. Therefore, let’s dive deeper into the world of head-worn devices and take a walk through the virtual world.

What is virtual reality in the first place?

The name of the VR technology is pretty much self-explanatory. As the name implies, this technology enables humans to interact with digital devices in a way that stimulates our sensory organs. As a result of the stimulation, backed by the generous use of sensors and cameras, we experience a sort of hallucination.

Virtual reality devices provide us with imagery that “replaces” our surroundings and “takes us into the digital world.”

Believe it or not, the first traces of the VR phenomenon can be traced back to the 1960s and the well-known “Sensorama.” Nonetheless, such experiments did not manage to go mainstream. It took decades of trial and error before we could develop the self-contained wearables that we have today.


However, it is essential to note that VR and AR headsets are not the same. Despite their similarities, these technologies offer a range of different possibilities.

Differences between AR and VR

Experts often say that AR and VR are like two sides of the same coin. So, it’s no wonder that people often confuse these two types of systems. To avoid these issues, let’s take a quick look at the critical differences between them.

Augmented Reality (AR) is a technology that adds digital elements to your real-world view. As such, this system is not fully immersive since you can see and interact with actual objects that surround you. At the same time, AR is more accessible than VR because AR headsets are much cheaper.

Of course, the most famous example of AR technology was the PokemonGO craze in the summer of 2016. Likewise, all those dog ears and similar filters you use on Snapchat are of the same origin. AR devices can put 3D decorations in the space around you, either in the form of floating windows or “magical objects.”

Virtual reality (VR) takes a no-nonsense approach to how they change your surroundings. In other words, the users of VR devices enter a computer-generated area. Real-life elements are not visible when you put on a VR headset.

The undisputed leader in the market is the Sony PlayStation VR console. Of course, other models are popular as well. Either way, these gadgets provide users with a 360-degree video, alongside impressive sound effects. As a result, users get the feeling that they are transported to another location when using VR technology.


The world today may use VR and AR for various purposes.

According to statistics, as many as 78% of Americans are familiar with AR and VR technologies. To be precise, stats show that as many as 42.9 million people in the United States used virtual reality at least once per month in 2019.

These staggering numbers are the natural consequence of the widespread use of virtual reality. It seems that VR is reshaping the digital workplace, and this paradigm shift is exciting and fast-paced.

When it comes to the areas in which we can use virtual reality, the list can go for days. For instance, the first use of VR happened in military aviation. Over the years, Air Force simulators reached iconic status in our popular culture.

Likewise, virtual reality has a strong presence in medicine. AR often helps surgeons during complex procedures. Similarly, we can find VR in all sorts of industries, including engineering, education, construction, and so on.

Yet, the gaming industry holds the most significant share of the market when it comes to VR (40.5%). The rise of mobile VR is expected to boost these figures to a whole new level. For example, devices such as Google Daydream or Samsung Gear are already in full swing. Even the so-called Happy Goggles in McDonald’s are spreading the word about the fantastic possibilities of VR and AR.

The Benefits of Using Virtual Reality in 2020

Now that we learned how VR and AR have widespread adoption in today’s day and age, it’s time to see why this is the case. Here are the most prominent benefits of using virtual reality in 2020:

  • Low risk

Head-mounted displays can offer significant benefits in terms of lowering the risk of injuries. For instance, soldiers can use VR headsets to prepare for combat without exposing themselves to any actual danger. The controlled environment can help avoid all sorts of accidents. But that’s only one of the reasons why virtual reality will continue to grow in the upcoming period, so let’s move on.

  • Realistic scenario

The advancements in modern technologies allow VR to create realistic scenarios and surroundings. As a result, the users of these devices can train in seemingly real-life situations. For example, they can solve complex problems or explore distant locations in a realistic manner. Once again, Air Force simulators spring to mind here.

  • Cost-effectiveness

Even though the modern VR consoles are pricey, virtual technology could prove to be cost-effective. The secret lies in the fact that VR allows the user to experience all sorts of things without leaving the room. You can attend meetings and conferences without booking a plane ticket. Consequently, VR technology can save time and boost productivity.

  • Improved retention

As we said, virtual reality is excellent for learning new things. Studies show that AR and VR offer higher retention rates when it comes to the training process. In other words, rookies will understand the job better if they see things in action instead of reading the manual. VR and AR wearables can boost engagement, which leads to better learning and comprehension.

  • Enjoyment

Last but not least, we should mention the fact that VR and AR are super-cool! With a bit of creativity, these gadgets can take you to a different place and a different time. In other words, the process of training and learning with VR and AR is enjoyable and exciting. Pleasant experiences are a prerequisite for the continuous usage of these gadgets in the first place.

The Future of Virtual Reality

In conclusion, it seems clear that virtual reality is here to stay. China and the US, respectively, invest more than $6 billion per year, and these expenditures will continue to grow. With the development of biometric software and the 5G network, virtual reality will dominate our world.

Nowadays, devices like Oculus Rift or HTC Vive are selling like crazy, despite their relatively high price. In the future, these gadgets will become available to people from around the globe. As a result, VR and AR will have an even more impactful presence in our society.