Ever wondered why the face cream that did wonders for your friend’s skin, didn’t help That’s because different people don’t share the same skin type. There are different skin types and different causes of skin damage also. Skin type of a particular person depends on their lifestyle. They are Combination type skin, Oily type skin, Dry-type skin, Sensitive type skin and Normal skin type. Youngsters and early teenaged people are more likely to have normal skin type with fine pores and normal sweat gland and sebum production. Combination type of skin is mainly seen in mid-age people. It is usually dry in T area and oily on the rest of the face. Dry-type skin is mainly dry and flaky skin and oily type skin is vice versa.
Let’s get deeper into the concept of different types of skin.
Combination skin type
It is a combination of dry skin type and oily skin type. It changes depending on the lifestyle and seasons. This is mainly considered to be a combination of two types that is oily skin on cheeks and forehead, the T area and dry on the rest part of the face such as chin etc. You can find out that you have this skin type if you have a shiny face which is due to the excessive oil on the T areas, open large pores due to the excessive sebum production by glands, lots and lots of blackheads and whiteheads, continuous dandruff problem and at last dry patches all over the face with excessive acne breakouts. But to remove tan from your skin and give it a glow click here to know more on how to get fair skin naturally at home fast.
Oily skin type
Having an oily skin type is similar to having an extra shiny and greasy face. People with oily skin types are more prone to tanned skin and shiny pores. Oily skin type people usually stock up blotting sheets and face powders in excess to control the oil on their face when going out or attending a party. You can find out that you have this skin type if you have large pores due to excessive oil production in sebum glands, shiny and thick skin due to the excessive oil. Hydration is not an issue in oily skin type as this skin type is less prone to dehydration. Medication can also cause oily skin at a point.
Dry skin type
Dry skin type is usually seen in teenagers. This type of skin has very less amount of hydration left which in turn makes the skin very tightened and flaky. Skin also develops dry patches, acne breakouts, redness around acne. This skin type has less or invisible pores with very early signs of ageing and wrinkles on the skin. Some of the symptoms of dry skin type are tightness in the skin after bathing or shower, itching severely, flaking and peeling of dead skin cells, grey skin, deep cracks in skin etc. Some of the causes of dry skin type are very little hydration, hereditary and less sebum production on the skin. Sebum is responsible for making skin soft and plump.
Sensitive Skin Type
This skin type showcases every feature of distinguished skin type. It shows the characteristics of combination skin type, oily skin type and dry skin type. They deal with redness and irritation very soon when compared to different skin types. Normal skin can also have sensitive skin but this is seen as a very rare symptom and cause. Some of the symptoms of sensitive type of skin are that it becomes prone to rashes and ordinary redness, when beauty products are used on skin it becomes more patchy and gets burn sensation, it becomes extremely sensitive to UV rays and excessive sunlight, Broken capillaries can be clearly seen, pores are maximised during one time of day and minimised during another time of the day. People with sensitive skin usually don’t go with any kind of fragrance present. Some of the causes of sensitive skin type can be any major illness or allergies on the skin such as eczema, dermatitis etc.
Normal Skin Type
Normal skin type is usually hard to define, it’s characteristics and types are entirely different from the other skin types. These act like oily skin at times, while sometimes it acts like dry skin. It is a combination of combination skin type and sensitive skin type all at once. Pore size for normal skin type is also very normal, and it doesn’t have any skin related issue. This skin type can be maintained well with effective care and a good routine. Some of the symptoms of normal skin are clear and blemish-free skin, enough hydrated and plumped up skin. This type of skin can only be achieved with proper care and enough time.
These were the different types of skin which play a huge role in the selection of different ingredients for skin. Now that we understand the difference between the skin types, spot out and recognise your skin routine.