April 30, 2024


Tiny articles, big solutions.

10 Genius Products That Will Make Traveling with Kids so Much Easier


Parents can testify how stressful it is to synchronize meal and sleep times on those long airplane flights. But it doesn’t always have to be hard and stressful. Below are some products that you should carry along when you travel with kids.

Undoubtedly, kids are a blessing, and many of us aspire to have them at one point. That’s the easy part. Raising them presents a whole lot of challenges, particularly when traveling. People with toddlers can testify that traveling with babies is not only about filling a family memory book with valuable moments, it can actually be a real challenge to synchronize meal and sleep
times on those long airplane flights or road trips. On that note, below are some products that you should carry along when you travel with kids:

Kiddie Suitcases

Girl with a suitcase class=”wp-image-2052″/>

If your child is more than 2 years old, it is always a good idea to let them carry their luggage separately from yours, preferably in a wheeled suitcase. Firstly, it’s fun for them (kids being kids and all), and it’s one of the trending traveling ideas for parents. Secondly, it teaches the little ones to be independent and thirdly, allows you more space to carry your personal stuff. Lassig and Trunki have some fantastic kiddie luggage collections that may interest you.


Privacy Pop

Let’s face it, kids need privacy too, only that they are not grown enough to demand it (some do!).
Privacy Pop is some sort of a bed tent that covers your child’s bed or cot to keep out unnecessary light and most importantly, gives them some personal space. It is a particularly handy item if you’re traveling with playful siblings.

DIY Kids Travel Toothbrush

Trips to the dentist are a nightmare; hence, you want your young ones to maintain their dental hygiene at all times, including when on the go. Of course, you’ll probably not remember to carry their regular toothbrushes as they have to use them right before departure. As such, create makeshift kids travel toothbrush packs for your babies some days before the trip. They should ideally contain kids toothbrush with lid, small bottles of toothpaste and mouthwash and floss. If you have some bucks to spare, you can buy one at Amazon or Alibaba.

Aeroplane Toddler Toys

Unlike with road trips, you can’t stop a plane when your toddler starts getting fussy. For your and everyone else’s peace of mind – you should bring along some kids aeroplane toys to keep your little occupied and distracted during long flights. Stacking cups, Melissa and Doug’s Vehicle Sets, and Crayola Colour Wonder are examples of convenient airplane toddler toys you can take with you.


Inflatable Toddler Travel Bed

Toddlers can be irritable and fussy which can sometimes affect your sleep. Avoid this and subsequently ensure comfortable sleep for you and your little one by arming yourself with an inflatable toddler bed from Hiccapop. It’s built using soft, comfortable material, has bumpers to keep your kid safe, can fit in a suitcase and is quite affordable – starting from $65 at Amazon.

Car Travel Accessories for Toddlers

Baby car seat

When going on a drive, you want your little angel to be as comfy as possible so as not to give you any problems. You can achieve this by always carrying essential car travel accessories for toddlers, such as:
● Baby seat
● Baby carriers/strollers
● Baby-friendly tablet
● Car warm water bottle for babies

Airplane Safety Harness

Getting your kids to stick to their seats on a flight is not easy, more so if they’re below eight years old. The Cares® Kids Airplane Safety Harness is one of the devices in the market that help secure kids to plane seats and avoid accidents or outrightly embarrassing incidents. The harness
is fitted on the lap belts and is comfortable enough not to hurt or be a distraction.

Sanitizers for Safe Travel with Kids

Safeguard your children’s health by carrying a bottle of hand sanitizer to use when handling them or when changing diapers. Also, pack some sterilizers for their pacifiers and toys. The last thing you need during a journey is a medical emergency.

Travel Diaper Bag

When you travel with kids, always be ready for any emergencies, especially with bodily functions. Always move with a fully stocked diaper bag that should also include a change mat for when you need a quick change in public spaces. Most importantly, keep the bag within reachable distance for easy and fast access when the need arises.

Inflatable Leg Rest

Plane and car seats are not built with little kids in mind and may cause discomfort during longer trips. Keep your baby comfortable with an inflatable leg rest from Amazon or your nearest baby shop. Leg rests give kids a platform to relax their legs and thereby focus better on their games or sleep and can fit in your hand luggage. Notably, confirm with your airline if leg rests are in their lists of things not to pack when flying before packing.


Traveling with your kids does not have to be a nightmare, with some forethought and planning, you can make it enjoyable for both you and your kids. There goes our brief but informative list of travel tips with kids. The 10 products listed may not eliminate all challenges, but they make your trips enjoyable and less stressful. Feel free to add others in the comments. We are also open to questions and criticisms as well!

Author’s Bio: Betti Wilson is passionate about traveling and wants to share all her experience and tips with as many people as possible. That’s why she started writing about traveling and has managed to achieve her dream of becoming a digital nomad.