May 6, 2024


Tiny articles, big solutions.

Why Is A CRM Important for My Business?


The management of data and information by all the employees of an organization is a key issue for success. Many solutions exist today and today we are offering you a focus on the HubSpot CRM solution which offers many possibilities.

Take a moment to reflect and think about where you store all the information about your business or even your personal tasks? Do you report on a spreadsheet, consolidate on a shared file, track your email conversations, manage your tasks on Trello?

To begin with, let’s try to define what a CRM (Customer Relationship Management) or GRC in French (Customer Relationship Management) tool represents: as its name suggests, it is a system that manages relationships. These relationships can be with customers, users, prospects, candidates … All the relationships that your company enters into on a daily basis can be captured, tracked and stored in a CRM.

Your CRM then becomes the cornerstone of your business. The value it brings to your business is due to the fact that the data it contains becomes the primary source of information shared by all employees: from CEOs to salespeople, including marketing, support, etc.

The question to ask is therefore: What needs of my business must my CRM meet?

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Overview of key features on Hubspot CRM


Contact management

The contact sheet on HubSpot allows:

  • To store information about this contact
  • To monitor interactions for each contact
  • To create actions to be implemented with this contact (schedule an appointment, send an email, make a phone call etc …)

Company Fact Sheet

In the same way as on the customer file, the company file centralizes the information generated by your relationship with the company in question. Here you will have the possibility to store fairly general information such as a description of the company, its turnover (turnover), sector, etc … but also information relating to your relationship with this company : status of the lead, life cycle phase, number of days until conversion, etc.

Establishing a personalized relationship then becomes natural and reinforces the relevance of your actions.

Commercial pipeline

The HubSpot CRM offers the ability to set up transaction pipelines . This functionality, which could have been reserved for the Sales Hub, is clearly available in the CRM and allows you to follow the evolution of your sales. You can thus define the commercial stages of your company and materialize them directly in the CRM:

  • Identify the business phases where you are having the most difficulty in increasing your conversion rate.
  • Have better visibility and therefore improve your ability to predict your turnover.

Contact activity tracking

In addition, an activity tracking system for each recording made on your contacts is available. Thus, a timeline with notes, emails, phone calls provides a complete history of relationships with a client . This history is accessible to your entire team , which makes it possible to optimize the sharing of information between your employees and to streamline the relationship with your contacts by avoiding asking redundant questions.


Gmail and Office 365 integration

HubSpot natively integrates the email environments of Google and Microsoft. The functionalities associated with this integration will allow you to consult the contact file associated with your interlocutor without leaving your messaging if this one is in your contact base. An email tracking can also be enabled which will allow you to track the open rate, clicks and downloads associated with that email.

Complementary functionalities

Hubpost CRM offers additional tools designed to facilitate your exchanges with your contacts , from the first interaction to loyalty.

Without being exhaustive, you will find in particular the provision of a conversational chatbot to optimize lead generation on your site. The activation of a live chat is also possible if you wish to open this communication channel to the users of your website. The advantage, again, is that feedback from contacts from these channels goes directly to HubSpot. No data export to do or API to plug in which is quite comfortable.

On more organizational aspects, HubSpot offers an online appointment booking tool (linked to your gmail calendar for example). A task management system also allows you to have a direct view of the projects in progress and who is in charge of them. Finally, the CRM embeds a ticketing system that your customer service can use on the loyalty part.

How is the HubSpot CRM built?

Hubspot CRM is built around 2 key concepts:

Records : Records, or “records” in English, constitute the data available individually by customer, company, contract or ticket. It is through these records that you will add information to your CRM.

Properties: Properties are the categories of information that you set up for your contacts, companies, deal or ticket. On HubSpot, default properties are available. However, you will undoubtedly need to add properties specific to your business, industry or process. For this, you can easily create custom properties.

The best practice is, before importing your data into the CRM, to perform an audit of the properties you will need to create them first.

Duplicate management

An efficient database is a clean database. And maintaining a clean database takes a lot of work. Depending on the size of your business, the number of people who need to add information to the CRM can range from 1 to several hundred or even several thousand. The greater the number of participants, the greater the risk of duplicates. Here are the different ways HubSpot uses to duplicate your records to keep your database clean.

  • duplicate contacts by user token
  • duplicate contacts by email address
  • duplicate companies by domain name
  • duplicate contacts, companies, deals or tickets by object ID;

In use, these automatic functions allowing you to keep a clean database will save you a lot of time, but also precision in your marketing actions (for example avoid sending the same message to the same person on 2 email addresses different).

How much does the Hubspot CRM solution cost?

The HubSpot CRM solution is completely free, and it is not a trial version with an expiration date (no one will ask you to subscribe after 3 months). CRM is aimed at any size of business with:

  • Unlimited number of users
  • The ability to create up to a million contacts
  • HubSpot CRM is positioned today as one of the most complete tools on the market. HubSpot also offers a suite of services that accompany this CRM with:
  • Marketing Hub (lead generation)
  • Hub Sales (optimize the transformation of your leads into customers)
  • Hub Service (customer loyalty)

According to 2D Animation Studios Los Angeles One of the differentiating elements that has contributed to the success of the HubSpot solution is its expertise in marketing automation. Available with the Marketing Hub suite, the workflow implementation automates dozens of tasks that will move your leads through the conversion funnel and thus participate in the qualification of your prospects.

These services are chargeable and you can find the offers directly from the HubSpot site. The features offered are extremely numerous, which is why it is important to define your needs before embarking on the implementation of your future CRM. You can then approach a partner agency who will support you on the best choices to make according to these needs.

The goal is to better align your marketing and sales teams by centralizing in one place all the information related to the relationships you have with your leads. Mechanically, you will be more efficient at converting your leads into customers… and generating growth!