May 3, 2024


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Pagostore Garena – How to get double diamonds on Free Fire

pagostore garena

If you are a fan of games like Free fire, and you want to get more diamonds to be a pro in the game, here we show you how you can get diamonds in this fantastic game. With just using Pagostore Garena, and in this way you can become a good player to find the best tricks.

What is Pagostore Garena?

It is necessary that you can know a little more about the platform, before knowing how to pay double using this platform. Since this official page that is from garena, allows players in an easy and practical way to be able to buy their diamonds so that they can use them within the game, without any type of commission and in an easy and practical way.

In addition to this, it is one of the most popular platforms, which can make it easier for us to double our diamonds and best of all, it is completely free for us to use. Therefore, it is a great tool and platform that for years has become one of the options for garena players to be able to obtain our diamonds for this great option.

What does double diamonds mean in free fire?

This is an option that free fire gave to all players, so that they can obtain it through a recharge promo, which they can do through the store payment page in a practical way.

This promo was made from the year 2021 of October for all the people who made their recharges through its official page, which is very popular among the players of the free fire game, to have a motivation and way to have more diamonds inside it.


How to get double diamonds in free fire using Pagostore Garena?

It is an alternative that can allow us to obtain our most valuable diamonds in this fantastic garena game, which we will be talking about below so that you can learn a little more about how to have all of this benefit.

Steps to get double diamonds using pagostore


pagostore garena

In order to obtain the purchase of diamonds, it is necessary to enter through the official page, in which we must have a free fire account, so that in this way we can log in for this fantastic option.

After that, and having entered satisfactorily, we can enter the option to easily and simply recharge the diamonds double in free fire, while being within the store payment platform. In this it is recommended that we can make a single purchase to obtain a good amount of diamonds.

After this we can proceed to review our free fire account, to find out if we have our diamonds in the amount that has been purchased at the moment and in this way you can have everything you need to be able to use them in the game without problems.

How is the benefit of free fire double diamonds?

Through the recharge that you can do by store payment, you can get double the recharge, through the promo that exists through the online website, because if you recharge 200 diamonds, you can get 400 diamonds, with just make the purchase through the alternative that garena free fire has for all players within the platform.


Another alternative to load diamonds (First purchase)

If it is your first online purchase through garena free fire, all you have to do is:

  • Copy your player link
  • You must go through the store payment page
  • We paste the id

And we will have an easy choice to be able to acquire our diamonds.

Do not use hacks to get diamonds

Today there are many hacks to be able to obtain many profit benefits for games and especially for free fire, however, this cannot be an option that you can use to obtain double the diamonds, since this is penalized by the game and they could ban you knowing that you have double diamonds, so it is not recommended to do this action.

Payment methods by pagostore garena

Pago store, has a wide coverage, which you can use so that in this way you can recharge to get your diamonds twice and these can be by pagostore paypal, pagostore claro, pagostore cash, pago store tigo money, pago store nequi, pagostore card and among other options that you can find within its list of alternatives so that you can make payments online through its official store payment page, so that in this way you can do all the management in a practical way and just one click away to obtain the promotion that garena has for all its players.

Service coverage

The service coverage that this page can have towards other countries can be quite broad, but by standard it tends to have more coverage within its services towards Colombia, the United States, Argentina, Mexico, Venezuela, Spain, Brazil and Bolivia, being the main options in which you would not have any type of problem so that you can make your payments and you could enter without any inconvenience through its official website so that you can do any type of action for your free fire account instantly.

Payment store not working? Solution

If you have any kind of problem using the payment store at the time you are going to make a payment or these are within the web, within its platform you will find a garena technical support section, where you can find everything through customer service to that you can solve any type of inconvenience. We can find this at the bottom of the platform, in this we must make a request so that in this way the technical service can attend to you quickly, after sending everything in the request.

How long does the payment process by payment store take?

The free fire store payment process is one of the radio ways that you can use so that you can get your diamonds double, since after choosing the method that you have agreed so that you can make your purchase online, you will be able to obtain your diamonds And in the event that your purchase has not been credited, you can make a claim through technical support so that you have everything in help and you can solve any type of problem through this alternative in a practical way.

Is Pagostore Garena reliable to get diamonds in Free Fire?

diamantes gratis free fire

Pagostore, is one of the easiest and most reliable ways you can have, since being one of the platforms that belongs to garena and the safest way for you to make your diamond purchases without any problem through this great alternative offered for all free fire players.

If pagostore garena rejects my payment, what should I do?
If you have problems making your payment online, and it is rejected by the system, it is necessary that you have to submit a form correctly through customer service, so that in this way you can obtain the best solution to your case by moment.

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